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2025 May Festival Questions

  1. A friend or relative wants to buy raffle tickets. Can they purchase them through the online store?
  2. Are there any perks to sponsoring a booth?
  3. Can I purchase a t-shirt for a teacher or staff member?
  4. How do I buy raffle tickets?
  5. How do I donate a sponsorship?
  6. How do I get involved?
  7. How does my student earn Free Dress?
  8. How many tickets are in a book and how much do they cost?
  9. How many tickets does my student need to sell?
  10. How much do the T-shirts cost?
  11. I’ve purchased raffle tickets online. What else do I need to do?
  12. Is my donation tax-deductible?
  13. The sponsorship I wanted to donate already sold; Can I still make a donation?
  14. When can my student wear the Pirate Wear T-shirt?

A friend or relative wants to buy raffle tickets. Can they purchase them through the online store?

Yes. Just make sure they enter the name of the student who will receive credit for the sale during the checkout process. And don’t forget to have the student fill out the stub for the purchaser so that he or she will be eligible for the raffle on May 4th.

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Are there any perks to sponsoring a booth?

Yes! All benefits are listed on the Sponsorship form in the May Festival Online Brochure. Depending on the sponsorship, you can get Unlimited Game and Ride passes, t-shirts for your student and family, website and banner recognition, and free Food and Game tickets

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Can I purchase a t-shirt for a teacher or staff member?

Yes, and thank you! If you’d like to sponsor a staff member, you may fill outa t-shirt order form and note the name of the staff member. Don’t worry, we know their sizes and will get the shirt to them with your name, so they know that you sponsored them. Alternately, you may purchase a staff member shirt through the Online Store.

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How do I buy raffle tickets?

You may purchase them online via the May Festival Online Store or by returning completed ticket stubs along with cash or check to the front office or sending payment with your student to school. Your student’s teacher will have a collection envelope in their homeroom or CP which will be turned in daily to the front office.

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How do I donate a sponsorship?

We thank you! You may donate a sponsorship through the May Festival Online Store or by printing the form listed on the May Festival landing page and returning payment to the front office. 

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How do I get involved?

We’d love to have you join the May Festival Committee! If you only have a few hours to spare or would like to get more involved, we can find something for you to do. Please visit the Volunteer Information Page in the May Festival Online Brochure for immediate needs. Additionally, there will be a volunteer meeting in early April where more specific needs will be explained. 

It takes a large group of generous volunteers to make the May Festival a beautiful day of celebration. We welcome any amount of time you can volunteer to help make this event a success. Email Maria at [email protected] if you’re interested in getting involved.

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How does my student earn Free Dress?

If your student sells 2 or more books (60+ tickets). The assigned days for Free Dress are listed on the Raffle Ticket Sales and Incentives sheet on the May Festival Online Brochure and in the raffle ticket packet that was sent home.

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How many tickets are in a book and how much do they cost?

There are 30 tickets per book, and they cost $2 each. A complete book costs $60.

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How many tickets does my student need to sell?

Each student is only required to sell 1 book (or 30 tickets) to be eligible for all grade prizes. However, if they sell more, they will earn a free ride, treat and/or a game voucher to use at the May Festival. If students sell 3 books or more, they will be eligible for weekly “Prize Drawings.” Further, if your student is a top-seller for their grade section (Preschool-2nd grade; 3rd – 5th grade; 6th – 8th grade) they will win an Unlimited Game and Ride Pass for the May Festival. There will be 2 winners for each grade section listed above.

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How much do the T-shirts cost?

T-shirts cost is $25 after March 21

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I’ve purchased raffle tickets online. What else do I need to do?

You’ll need to fill out and return the raffle ticket stubs and the yellow, cardstock backing to the front office or send them with your student to turn in. Keep the Round Table Pizza coupon. It is the student’s responsibility to turn in the stubs and yellow backing – the May Festival committee will not reach out to make sure they are turned in. If stubs and backings aren’t returned, purchasers will not be entered into the BIG RAFFLE on the day of May Festival and students won’t be eligible for weekly prize drawings.

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Is my donation tax-deductible?

Yes! All donations are tax deductible. The St. Jeanne de Lestonnac tax I.D. is 95-2462907. 

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The sponsorship I wanted to donate already sold; Can I still make a donation?

We would gratefully accept additional donations! Monetary donations can be made through the May Festival online store. 

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When can my student wear the Pirate Wear T-shirt?

T-shirts can be worn on the 2 assigned “May Festival Shirt Free Dress Dates” – Thursday, March 21st and Friday, May 3rd. The May Festival shirt may also be worn on PE days through the end of the year.

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